By day, I’m a user researcher and user experience (UX) software designer at an international corporation. I’ve never talked about it on the blog before because I was trying to keep my work life separate. That’s over. I’ve decided that going forward, I intend to apply my skills as a user researcher and designer to improving the lives of people with food allergies.
I have several ideas. The first step is to gather as much information on people who live with multiple food allergies as I can so that I’m creating a solution that works for everyone. That’s User Research 101! To that end, I’ve created a brief survey (only 9 questions!) to start the research process. I hope you will participate.
I will use the survey results to bring awareness to the daily lives of people trying to survive and thrive in today’s world with all the complexity that multiple food allergies add. I’ll also be selecting (from the survey volunteers) participants for more in-depth interviews. I hope you’ll go along with me on this journey. As I’m working through design solutions for new tools, I’ll also bring back additional recipes and life tips from my interviews.
This research will cost a lot of money as it ramps up. I have never pursued ads on this blog and I never will. I hate to see blogs turn into product placement ads. I will be setting up a Patreon account instead. (This link will be updated directly to my Patreon account once it’s set up.) There you can offer up a small amount of money to support my work, if you like. Subscribers to my Patreon, will receive additional content on that site.
Please take a few minutes to complete the survey right now! I can’t wait to start this journey with you. 🙂